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OneSpace Modeling : Filtern der angezeigten Teile
rene.weimar am 19.12.2002 um 11:23 Uhr (0)
Hello, I have written a routine to do this in the past. I will add it to this answer so you can try it. 1. Copy the file in a directory (ex. C:Lisp) 2. Load the file in OSD with (load "c:/lisp/chk_density.lsp") 3. In toolbox is a button CHECK PART DENSITY You can enter an assembly or a part. When you enter an assembly the routine will evaluate all children too. Then you enter a minimal density to check for. The routine will search all object with a density larger than this value (or eaqual). The rest w ...

In das Form OneSpace Modeling wechseln
OneSpace Modeling : Chamfers in lisp
rene.weimar am 20.04.2005 um 18:07 Uhr (0)
I ve built a lisp routine to draw holes including chamfers. If I create a chamfer however using distance and angle I can not determine how it will look. In the example I attached I have created a hole with two chamfer 5mmx5degrees. In voorbeeld you can see what I mean. In Voorbeeld2 I corrected the chamfer manually. How can I predict where the chamfer will be drawn?

In das Form OneSpace Modeling wechseln
OneSpace Modeling : LISP Date and Time
rene.weimar am 27.11.2002 um 11:22 Uhr (0)
Hallo, weil mein Deutsch nicht so gut ist werde ich es mal in Englisch versuchen. I m programming SolidDesigner in LISP and would like to know if there is a possibility to read the current date and time provided by windows.

In das Form OneSpace Modeling wechseln
OneSpace Modeling : LISP Date and Time
rene.weimar am 27.11.2002 um 13:54 Uhr (0)
This was what I was looking for. thank you

In das Form OneSpace Modeling wechseln
OneSpace Modeling : PROGRAMMIEREN
rene.weimar am 06.12.2002 um 07:55 Uhr (0)
Gibt es noch andere Wegen SolidDesigner zu programmieren (Visual basic, C++, .....) oder geht es nur mit LISP? Wie bekomme ich buecher davon?

In das Form OneSpace Modeling wechseln
OneSpace Modeling : database
rene.weimar am 16.12.2002 um 14:29 Uhr (0)
Hello, does anyone know how to use an Access database in SolidDesigner. I want to be able to read data form tables in Access and also store data in Access. I have heard about DDE or COM but cannot find any examples in LISP. Hope anyone can help me.

In das Form OneSpace Modeling wechseln
OneSpace Modeling : OSD LISP wait for Workmanager
rene.weimar am 18.12.2002 um 14:28 Uhr (0)
Hello, I want to make a LISP routine to load a part from Workmanager and then position this part. It doesn t work because SolidDesigner doesn t wait until workmanager is finished loading the part/assy. Is it possible to pause the LISP routine and to continue after the part/assembly has been loaded? I load the part/assembly using db-load-3d-data greetings and hope someone knows

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OneSpace Modeling : Lisp
rene.weimar am 16.05.2003 um 11:39 Uhr (0)
Can anyone tell me how to convert a string ("123.456") to a number (123.456). Can anyone tell me how I can round a number (0.0078499999999999) to a number (0.00785) or a string ("0.00785") Hope anyone can help me. René Weimar

In das Form OneSpace Modeling wechseln
OneSpace Modeling : Lisp
rene.weimar am 16.05.2003 um 13:24 Uhr (0)
Hello, all these solutions I have allready found. I need to write the result to a text field in a dialog shell. (display (common::dc4-round 0.0000569999 6)) with me doesn t result in 0.000057, but in 57/1000000, thus the text field contains "57/1000000"........

In das Form OneSpace Modeling wechseln
OneSpace Modeling : Text in Annotation automatisch erstellen
rene.weimar am 05.06.2003 um 14:18 Uhr (0)
Hello, You use the wrong command. In Lisp you should use sd-am-create-text See example (in-package common) (use-package li) (use-package :docu) (sd-defdialog createtext :dialog-title Create text :variables ( (owner :selection (*sd-anno-view-seltype*)) (Insertpoint :value-type :docupntcnp) (tekst :value-type :string) ) k-action (progn (sd-am-create-text :text tekst osition insertpoint wner_type :2dview wner ...

In das Form OneSpace Modeling wechseln
OneSpace Modeling : Chamfers in lisp
rene.weimar am 20.04.2005 um 18:08 Uhr (0)
Something went wrong. Here s the file voorbeeld.jpg

In das Form OneSpace Modeling wechseln
OneSpace Modeling : Chamfers in lisp
rene.weimar am 21.04.2005 um 08:03 Uhr (0)
How does cocreate solve this in machining parts. There they know in which direction the chamfer is made?

In das Form OneSpace Modeling wechseln
OneSpace Modeling : Chamfers in lisp
rene.weimar am 21.04.2005 um 16:47 Uhr (0)
Well, this is becoming a real discussion. I have solved my problem in the way Walter Geppert suggest. I first punch a hole and then search the cylinder created. Then I create the chamfers. After the chamfers are created I select the chamfers by using the edges of the cylinder. I then project the chamfer on a workplane to be able to measure the angle between the projected lines (As far as I know I cannot measure the angle between a chamfer and another face, or is this possible?). If I see the chamfer is ...

In das Form OneSpace Modeling wechseln


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