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CATIA V5 Programmierung : Get coordinates goes wrong...
s_mich am 04.04.2006 um 10:38 Uhr (0)
Zitat: dim monInstance dim maSel set maSel=CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection maSel.Search"Product Structure.Product.Part Number="&ref.Part.Name&",all" CATIA.SystemService.Print maSel.Count set monInstance=maSel.item(1).value dim monArray(12) CATIA.SystemService.Print monInstance.Position.getComponents(monArray) ##Lire les données dans une fenetre a cote CATIA.SystemService.Print monArray(0)&" " &monArray(1)&" " &monArray(2) CATIA.SystemService.Print monArray(3)&" " &monArray(4)&" " &monArray(5) CATIA.SystemS ...

CATIA V5 Programmierung : Get coordinates goes wrong...
s_mich am 27.03.2006 um 11:39 Uhr (0)
Well, first of all Im sorry but Ive some problems to write german(but I can read it & understand)... so Ill begin in English and really if I must write in german Ill try to (but I dont know if anyone will understand me)========================================================So my problem : Ive tried to get the coordinates of 2 points Into an assembly by 2 ways (macro and with the ruler) and the results are different... you can see my code below Zitat:Dim mySelection1,mySelection2,Selection1,Selection2, Sta ...


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